
Missing Person Reported when Parents Don’t See Son in Camp Picture

Huron Lake, PA (July 20, 2018) – Parents Julie and Marc Birnbaum of Merrick, Long Island have reported their son Jake missing after realizing he was notably absent from a group picture posted on the Camp Huron Lake website. Seeing him in July 19 Boys Side photo #147 with a few of his bunkmates then noticing that he was missing in photo #149 which contained several of the same boys sent a huge red flag to the parents who immediately…

Mom Spends More Time Posting about Daughter than Talking to Daughter on Visiting Day

Huron Lake, PA (July 16, 2018) – She had been eagerly awaiting this day for the past three weeks to hold and squeeze her first born, but when she was finally experiencing Visiting Day at Camp Huron Lake, Jenna Finkelfish proceeded to incessantly snap pictures of her daughter in various locales and take self-photos with the beautiful camp as a backdrop instead of actually talking to her daughter, Fyona.   For nearly five straight hours, Finkelfish shot one picture after another…

Parents Sent on Wild Goose Chase to Pick Up Crap for Camp Visiting Day

Livingston, NJ (July 12, 2018) – Local mother Ellen Klein figured that as her children matured their Visiting Day request lists would become much less intricate and  a lot simpler.  Unfortunately for her and thousands of camp moms in the Tri-State area, the Camp Visiting Day wish lists could make a shopping mall Santa run for the hills.  What used to be a sandwich from a favorite deli back home has turned into a nightmare of biblical proportions as mothers…

MIT Grad May Have Figured Out Camp Mail/Packages Guidelines

Cherry Hill, NJ (July 2, 2018) – Scott Eberstein, a 46 year-old quantitative mathematics fellow from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and father of two, believes he may have finally figured out the Camp Huron Lake mail and package policy after his children’s sixth summers there.  Working nights and weekends for the past three years to truly understand what can and cannot be sent, Eberstein feels that he may be able to successfully send a package to one or…

Heat Wave Coverage: Entire Boys Side Chafed

Huron Lake, PA (July 3, 2018) – With temperatures soaring into the mid 90’s and humidity at eighty percent, all of boys side at Camp Huron Lake is experiencing painful, debilitating chafing essentially bringing all non-water-related activities to a crippling halt.  The infirmary has been inundated with male campers and counselors writhing in pain and is now running dangerously low on baby powder and Lotrimin.    With temperatures expected to remain brutally hot, there is unfortunately no relief in sight.  Camp…