Contact Me

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9 Comments on "Contact Me"

  1. This is like the Jewish Camp version of “The Onion”

    Good stuff!!

  2. This is ridiculous
    I pack 6 bags for my three kids by myself. No nanny. No help. I’m embarrassed for her. Pathetic

  3. Donna Rubin | July 6, 2021 at 8:23 pm | Reply

    I went to sleep away camp for many years. This site is a riot! Thanks!

  4. Mendy Hecht | July 8, 2021 at 2:43 pm | Reply

    God bless you! This world is a good place again. Thank you for being here and saying it like it is. Affluenza run riot. It’s about time someone spoke out–and what better way than this?

  5. Richard Cantor | July 13, 2022 at 8:40 pm | Reply

    Richard A. Cantor
    I hope it’s a joke or the law suit was
    filed a vindictive asshole. How many
    concerts or comedy shows have you
    gone to and heard the entertainer tell
    the audience this is his favorite city
    and best crowd. It gets the audience
    in an upbeat mood. To anyone who
    knows Ron he’s a great entertainer,
    2nd generation who cares and it
    shows in his performance. Let the
    assholes who have shit for brains to
    put the campers first not their egos!

  6. Jessica Schwartz | June 24, 2023 at 1:02 pm | Reply

    Do you only talk about generic camp stuff and camp Huron or other camps too?

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