Senior Girl Wears Different Bat Mitzvah Sweatshirt Every Day of Summer

Huron Lake, PA (August 13, 2019) – She had to get special permission from Director Marty Feldstein to bring up two additional duffel bags filled with Bar/Bat/B’Nai/B’Not sweatshirts and party favors.  She sweated through a brutal heatwave in July wearing the sweatshirts to breakfast only.   But when the summer was over, Senior Girl Huntyr Siegel of Livingston, NJ had successfully worn a different sweatshirt every single day of the camp season, forty-nine sweatshirts in all.

Starting the weekend following the High Holidays, Siegel averaged 3.5 affairs per weekend for the next three months with a brief slow down during the winter.  When spring arrived, the thirteen-year-old kicked into high gear attending nearly four per weekend until mid-June.  In all, Siegel collected sixty-seven sweatshirts and accompanying drawstring bags, thirty-eight logo t-shirts, one hundred forty-five non-descript white baseball hats, just over three hundred pairs of sunglasses with and without lenses intact, and well over one thousand assorted glowsticks, flashing rings/bracelets, and plastic party hats.  With the exception of the sweatshirts, all swag (with a retail value of $7.45) was donated to the camp Arts and Crafts Center.

After starting the first two weeks with the sweatshirts of her fellow bunkmates, not including Maria Mancini, Seigel moved onto the hoodies of other girls in her division, then finished out the summer with twenty-two straight days of copyright infringed logo sweatshirts given out by her home friends.  Among the most notable were Chloe Cohen’s Chanel knock off (10/13/18 afternoon), Greg Aaronson’s Georgio Armani-inspired rip off (10/13/18 evening), Korey Kaufman’s controversial Korey’s Kandy Kastle (11/5/18) and Sydnyey Kasoff’s Gucci/Louis Vuitton/Prada/ Hermes/Versace/Under Armor/Fendi (11/1/18) monstrosity that caused her parents to be sued by several of the companies featured on the overly busy three-quarter zip hoodie.

When asked what made Siegel wear a different sweatshirt each day of the summer, she had a very simple explanation.

“We get all these sweatshirts every weekend then wear them to the school the following week, except for the weekend in May when I went to six parties…two I had to wear a few weeks after since I took Monday off to recover.  It’s such a complete waste to wear it only once,” remarked Siegel who then removed the day’s sweatshirt and tossed it straight into the garbage can outside Bunk 28.  “I don’t want to act like I’m not appreciative to everyone who invited me.”

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