Lake Huron, PA (July 23, 2021) Based on the nightly pictures on the Camp Huron Lake website and limited communication, Scott Edelstein is fairly certain that his son’s bunk and division has no counselors this summer. Although he is not one hundred percent positive, the fact that most camps are horribly understaffed only fuels his suspicion.
Due to the Covid pandemic preventing foreign workers from coming to the states to work for the summer and government handouts providing no incentive for young adults to find a job, camps have desperately struggled to fill out their staffs. Never have so many camps been this understaffed at this point of the summer so parents have a legitimate reason to be anxious about the situation at Camp Huron Lake among others.
“The pictures are kinda strange, to be honest. There’s a great picture of him canoeing with what looks like a counselor but I’m having some doubts,” commented Edelstein, “It’s great that they hired Kramer from Seinfeld to be one of his counselors but then I started thinking, ‘wait a second…where’s his life jacket? And you’re not allowed to smoke at camp.’ That’s 100% against camp regulation.”
Several parents of campers from Jonathyn’s bunk have also noticed some red flags that have been a major cause for concern. Only one has gotten a letter home the first half of the summer and it was alarming to say the least.
“We got a letter home a few days ago written in what looked like blood or paint. Our son Benjamyn said his counselors’ names are Ralph and Piggy and that a kid named Roger is terrorizing everyone and now Piggy is missing,” added Ruth Nussbaum, “The bottom of the letter has some strange symbols that are probably some kind of cryptic code so I’m just going to run down to the local FBI office to see if they can figure out what my kid is trying to say. I’m hoping it just says that he wants to stay the full session.”

All families have received reassuring phone calls from the division leader but those calls, too, seemed a bit fishy. Edelstein was skeptical of the call he got last week. “It sounded almost pre-recorded but maybe I’m looking into things too much. I don’t want to be that parent who freaks out and calls every day. Everything was pretty vague. My son is good, he’s having fun, he likes food. Also, the person on the other end didn’t respond to any of my questions. I guess they have a lot of families to call.”
Although word has gotten out that the dining hall has been overtaken by the Inter Boy division and the infirmary staff is tied up in the supply closet, all else seems to be operating as business as usual. Camp Director Marty Feldstein believes this is just what the doctor ordered. “After a year of remote learning, the freedom to make decisions on your own, problem-solve with peers and just enjoy being with others is exactly what these children need,” he pontificated seconds after a Junior Girl untied his blindfold and removed the ether-soaked rag from his mouth, “It’s been a great summer, just good old-fashioned camp fun.”
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