Mother Turns Entire Bunk into Chocolate for Visiting Day

Huron Lake, PA (July 15, 2016) – For Jenna Levinson, like most mothers of children at sleep away camp, Visiting Day cannot come soon enough.  Last summer, Levinson, a 41-year old stay-at-home helicopter parent, treated her daughter, Brooklin, and her Bunk 18 Inter Girls pals to a towering monstrosity of chocolates, candy, and bunk junk that took a moving van and several young men to deliver.  Unfortunately for Levinson, the overindulgent creation was met with indifference from most of the girls.  Even worse was that Levinson was among five mothers who brought similar ostentatious bunk gifts.

As if she just saw a woman at a wedding wearing her dress, Levinson was understandably devastated by the apathetic reaction of her Brooklin and her bunkmates when her candy concoction was the third to arrive.  Levinson decided right then and there that next year’s Visiting Day bunk gift would be one that campers and parents will talk about for decades to come.  After meeting with local chocolatier Alison Weisnstock of Sweet Ali’s Baked Goods & Confections, she decided to turn the entire bunk into a giant edible chocolate house ensuring her place in psycho-mom history.

“I’m going to show everyone who loves her kids the most,” bragged Levinson.  “Try to outdo me, just try.”

A before shot of Bunk 18

Bunk 18 before the chocolate application  


Bunk 18 after being doused in chocolate. Additionally several trees and the screened in porch were removed.









Weinstock and Levinson consulted with the Huron Lake Fire Department (HLFD) to determine whether the semi-sweet Belgian chocolate would be best applied by the use a fire hose or from a fire helicopter normally used to help extinguish massive forest fires.  Following much debate, a fire truck and a two-ton vat of chocolate was brought into camp on the morning of Visiting Day while the campers were enjoying breakfast.  Local firefighters John Winters and Robbie White quickly sprayed the exterior of the bunk on the overcast, cool morning.  As the first coat dried, Winters applied Rice Krispies to the right side of the bunk while White scattered mini M&M’s around the left.  A second coat was applied followed by a final layer of liquid ice as a protective seal.

Upon arriving back at the bunk to hear the bugle blow for the start of visiting day, the girls immediately began gnawing at the exterior of the bunk to get their yearly sugar fix in a matter of seconds.  Levinson sprinted to the bunk moments later to see the girls savoring each bite of chocolaty goodness.

“This is incredible! I can’t get enough of th….Oh my god!!! Alyxa’s mom brought a puppy!!!!” exclaimed Rachyl Litman, 12, of Oceanside, as she and the other campers bolted to pet the miniature labradoodle much to Levinson’s dismay.

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