Mother Drives Directly From Bus Drop Off to Visiting Day Car Line

Debates Checking Mailbox First To See If Her Kids Wrote Yet

Livingston, NJ (June 27, 2015) – After dropping off her son and daughter at the Livingston Mall for the bus ride to Camp Huron Lake, area mother, Shelly Shapiro, 44, drove straight to the camp entrance in anticipation of Visiting Day only four short weeks away.  Although it is rather common for parents to start lining up five to ten hours early for the one day each summer they get to spend with their children, Shapiro seems to have gone absolutely bat shit crazy in her quest to be the first on line. Last summer, Shapiro and her husband, Jon, the owner of a third-generation painting supply store, arrived for the 10 AM start of Visiting Day at two in the morning only to be the third car in line on Huron Road. After berating her husband until nearly 7 AM, Shelly vowed to never be that far back in line since clearly the other camp parents would think the passengers in the first two loved their kids more than she did. “I love my babies more than anyone at this camp,” lamented Mrs. Shapiro, “there’s no way anyone can love their kids like I love my Jakey and Jyssyca.”

 woman sleeping in carShapiro taking a quick nap in her car just 27 days before Visiting Day starts.


Armed with four cases of Tab, three boxes of Clif® Bar White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Energy Bars, and several weeks-worth of Lululemon outfits, Shapiro was ready to stake her claim for her rightful spot as first in line.  While her husband is working for the next month, Shapiro will spend her days writing to her kids in both paper and online form from only several hundred yards away from their bunks and is also planning an elaborate candy mountain for the kids that her husband will be bringing up when he joins her at the start of Week 4.

Unbeknownst to Mrs. Shapiro, Camp Huron Lake will be sending out a letter a few days before Visiting Day to let parents know that visitors will only be allowed to enter from the service entrance located on Lake Road in order to prevent cars from driving across the newly sodded soccer and baseball fields where guests have parked in prior years. Lake Road is located on the direct opposite side of the camp in relation to Huron Road. For further information, please see the camp website for details (

2 Comments on "Mother Drives Directly From Bus Drop Off to Visiting Day Car Line"

  1. Jyssyca Rubin | July 23, 2015 at 1:50 pm | Reply

    Where did Shelly get the cases of Tab? Perhaps the loosening of sanctions with Cuba has made it easier to get this 1970s dietetic delight? Otherwise, spot on. Loving this site almost as much as my cherished children.

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