Facebook Duffel Bag Picture Postings Up 3,873,000% This Week

Menlo Park, CA (6/20/14) – On its most recent conference call with investors and lending financial institutions, Facebook, the social media phenomenon, has reported that black monogrammed duffel bag postings are up nearly four million percent over last week.  Most of these postings, Facebook reports, are coming from computers and smart phones located in the New York metropolitan area.  Wall Street analysts were also told that two-thirds of the pictures showed only the duffel bags while the other third featured an adolescent posing in the near vicinity of the bags.

Duffel bags originated in the early 1900’s in Duffel, a town in Belgium where the thick cloth used to make the bag was manufactured.  It was a staple for outdoorsmen in the beginning and later the army green bag became synonymous with military personnel.  Now the black monogrammed bag is popular among Jewish parents who like to show their Facebook friends that their kids are packed and ready to go to sleepaway camp.  Unlike the soldiers who would throw their bags containing survival essentials over their shoulders and carry them for miles a time, the current day oft-photographed bags are usually only carried to the front door of the family’s home to await pick up by Camp America staff in a rented U-Haul.

Mindy Goldfarb of Plainview, Long Island has three children who will be spending the summer at Camp Huron Lake in the Poconos.  For her, packing the six duffel bags the last two and a half months was a struggle filled with enormous pride once the bags left her home.  “Packing the kids up for camp is legitimately a full-time job.  Between shopping for new stuff, figuring out what clothing still fits, and trying to get all the necessary camp survival essentials like an extra pair of LeBrons or a fourth personalized camp tank top, a mother can really lose her shit for a few weeks.”

Goldfarb, enormously proud of her packing skills, hired local photographer George Williams of GW Photography to take some photos of the fully stuffed bags as they sat by the front door.  In addition to the pictures of the bags alone, Williams was able to get a few action shots of Goldfarb adding extra shower shoes to her son Jake’s bags and a great shot of the three kids laying on top of the bags and a few candid shots of the kids behind them.

To Goldfarb, the bags symbolize a reward for the children’s hard work throughout the school year but to the children they have a much different meaning.  “ I honestly have no idea what’s in these bags but all I know is that if I came within a ten foot radius of them, mom would lose it,” explained Jake, 10.

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