D’Angelo Luciano Changes Name to “Daniel Lipschitz” to Fit in at Summer Camp

Lake Huron, PA (August 4, 2015) – Under the advisement of his Jewish mother, eleven year-old D’Angelino Luciano of Randolph, NJ, has changed his name to Daniel Lipschitz for his first summer at Camp Huron Lake so he can better blend in with the other campers. Although he is a friendly, likable, easy-going pre-teen, his mother, Shelly, decided it would be best to take the opposite route of Hollywood stars such as Jon Stewart (Jon Stuart Leibowitz) and Jason Alexander (Jay Scott Greenspan) in order to assimilate into the mostly Jewish camp population by having a less ethnic and intimidating name.

The son of an Italian father and Jewish mother, D’Angelo has plenty of company when it comes to being an offspring of an interfaith marriage. Nearly 42% of marriages in the United States are mixed religion unions with Jewish people the most likely to marry out of faith.

D’Angelo is named after his great-great grandfather D’Angelo, who immigrated to the US in 1906 from Lercara Friddi, Sicily. He is the fifth generation to share this sacred family name. “My wife and I made a deal before we got married. If we had a boy, he would be named after me to carry on my family’s tradition but she could raise him Jewish. I can’t wait for the rabbi to call D’Angelo Luciano up to read from the Torah at his Bar Mitzvah,” explained his father, D’Angelo IV.

"Danny" and friends horsing around with counselor in lake

“Danny” and friends horsing around with counselor in lake

“Danny” has really thrived in his first summer. He’s been Camper of the Week already and is rumored to be a camper captain for Color War. Additionally, because he is the only boy in his division with a partially grown in mustache, he is the object of many of the female campers’ affection. “Danny” has proven to everyone at his new camp that even though he has the wimpiest, most Semitic-sounding name imaginable, he can still succeed in any setting.

Despite the fact that D’Angelo has formed life-long bonds with his bunkmates, he is still a bit annoyed by his mother’s insistence that he change his name for the summer. “I don’t know why my mother made me do this. At home, my friends all call me ‘Lucky’ (after the famous 1920’s gangster)…coolest nickname ever. At camp I’m known as ‘Schitz’…worst name ever.” A frustrated D’Angelo continued, “The funny thing is that I’ve been here for five weeks already and I don’t know anyone’s real name anyway. Go ask JGo (Jake Goldfarb), Jewfro (Adam Weinberg), and Kappy (Jon Kaplan), they’ll tell you the same.”

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