Camp to Use Lanyard for Tug of War After Ropes Set Ablaze During Rope Burn

Lake Huron (August 9, 2014) – Camp Huron Lake Director Marty Feldstein decided to hold the 2014 Color War Rope Burn the night before the divisional Tugs of War for the first time in camp history.  While this seemed like a fairly innocuous change of schedule, the Tug of War ropes were burned leaving the Arts & Crafts department scrambling to create a 120 foot combination Cobra/Chinese Staircase stitch lanyard thick enough to withstand the pulling torque of fifty maniacal campers each tug.

After the monumental gaffe by Feldstein, the crack Arts & Crafts department worked tirelessly through the night to create the biggest lanyard on record in Wayne County, Pennsylvania.  The first tug of the day featured the Sophomore Girls who grabbed the lanyard, sprinted with it back to their bunk area, then proceeded to cut off key chain- sized sections to be sold later outside the Social Hall.

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